Final multiplier event in Italy/Sicily

The Hi- Ability’s Multiplier Event took place in Catania on the 20 November 2022 at Agricolab in Borgo dell’Etna.  The event, in which the association Futuro 21 took part, was sponsored by the City of Catania and gathered 54 participants.

The first part of the day was devoted to the presentation of the results of the Hi- Ability project and the paper distribution of the Green Guide in Easy to Read language. Participants were invited to download the Hi-Ability App and we showed them its available functions, commented on it and told the work it took to realise it. On the whole, the App generated a lot of interest as families and adults with ID claimed they had not found any with these functions. Then, some of the participants of the training and mobility in Croatia told the audience about their experience, revealing that in their daily lives they spend some of the skills they acquired during the past months.

In the second part of the day, after lunch and taking advantage of a few shy rays of sunshine, we went together for a walk in the nature surrounding the place we were staying. Finding ourselves immersed in an environment that is home to different species of plants, adults with ID explained what biodiversity means and the importance of preserving and protecting it.

It was a day of sharing and friendship, which are essential for overcoming obstacles and strengthening interpersonal bonds. We really enjoyed the day but above all we hope that these first results can be the forerunner for even bigger and more inclusive projects.

At the seminar “Designing Educational Transformation. Good practices and laboratory practices.” organised by the Department of Education Sciences of the University of Catania, we presented the results of the Erasmus+ Hi-Ability project. The seminar, attended by 60 students, was an opportunity to get the project’s results across to those who do not work directly with adults with intellectual disabilities but who are on a course of study that will possibly lead them to implement inclusive projects for them. The results and, in general, the project idea aroused great curiosity and interest on the part of the students, and we are very happy about this because the success of a project and its results can also be seen in the life it continues to have after its end.