Training in Croatia and testing of the Hi-Ability Toolkit!

From February to April, our Croatian partner Health Life Academy in collaboration with SU Veliko Srce engaged in a pilot test of the newly created Toolkit Hi-Ability for educators. Pilot action was consisted of 12 activities for adults with PWID who were trained and followed by the educators.  Through 3 months beneficiaries took role 12 activities related to hiking. Main activities were walking and bicycle riding with few educational activities indoor.

During the activities participants had a lot of fun but also learned a lot as well. They also contributed to the project by helping with mapping some of the routes they walked during the pilot activities. During the walk they learned and discussed related topics like what kind of equipment to take and use, how to orientate and follow the signs, and also some specific information about a certain trail. Other than walking, the same group went on a few bicycle trips in group which was very interesting for them as they could further and see some trails that they couldn’t reach only by walking. Besides walking and cycling they learned lot of new things about nature and environment through organized workshops with educators. In order not to have only activities related to hiking, participants occasionally had fun sport activities like football, bowling, swimming etc.

The participants had great time with participating in pilot and other activities and showed great interest in having even more activities outdoor.

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